Getting Started

The most important step of all, is the first step.
Emblem for Skin Support Information Page

Dear Reader,

Thank you for joining the Skin Support program.

For the next eight weeks you will be provided with a set of objectives and some supporting reading materials.

What To Expect

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weekly modules contain objectives and supporting reading materials
  • End of week reflections are encouraged and can make the process much more rewarding
  • Your feedback helps further improve the program

The Points System

Points are used to control access to SkinSupport program content.

These points are provided at account creation and throughout the length of the program.

Premium Members

Premium members are automatically assigned 100 points at registration. This is the maximum amount of points a member can earn. This unlocks all program content and allows you to work through the program at your own pace.

Community Members

Community members are assigned 10 points at registration. This unlocks the informational sections and the first module of the program. Additional points must be earned through reflection at the end of each module or by simply waiting 7 days.

  • Earning Points Through Reflection
    Each module includes a reflections section at the end. These sections are ment to provide you with a way to share your thoughts and evaluate your progress throughout the program. Submitting a weekly reflection awards 10 points and unlocks the next module.
  • Weekly Points Assignment
    If you really don’t want to participate in the reflections, points are automatically assigned every 7 days. You don’t need to do anything to earn these. Simply re-visit the website after 7 days and these points should be assigned to your account.

Program Overview

To get a good understanding of how the program is structured, here are the main 8 modules for you review:

Ending Remarks

Let me know if you run into any issues, need any assistance or if have any questions/concerns. Community support is provided via the dedicated program forum.

Hope the whole journey proves useful and worthwhile.
Best wishes for the eight weeks ahead!

Last Updated:

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