A Proposed Guide for Treatment of Dermatitis


The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information.


The guide is short and to the point. Very little background information is provided for many of the items discussed. The comments section is provided for this and all information is available upon request.

SD = Seborrheic Dermatitis

Why Do People Get SD

Seborrheic dermatitis occurs due to improper composition of sebum secretions. The sebum in effected individuals seems to be lacking the components it needs to effectively protect the fatty acids from consumption by foreign bacteria and yeasts.

The underlying reasons for this can vary drastically. Reasons include:
– Hormonal dis-balances
– System infections
– Improper nutrition
– Immunosuppression
– Genetics? (perhaps, but haven’t seen any medical papers make the direct connection)

Why Many of Us Get SD Right After Puberty

It’s as simple as increased sebum production. When we were not producing any sebum, there wasn’t much available of foreign bacteria to consume.

How to Use This Guide

This guide is meant to serve as a foundation. Please ask questions on any of the items discussed here and I can go into detail why they are included (use comments section).

Proposed Dietary Method For Correcting Sebum Composition

The following items can lay the backbone for correcting sebum composition.

  • Regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables
  • Quality cod liver oil supplementation (it is essential the oil is of superior quality)
  • For 7 days drink 1L of fresh cabbage juice (make twice daily for maximum freshness)
  • Reduce vegetable oil consumption
  • Reduce dairy consumption (removing cheese and aged dairy is recommended)
  • Reduce consumption of red meats
  • Temporarily reduce the consumption of the following foods
    • Tomatoes
    • Spinach
    • Dark chocolate and cacao
    • Sardines and non-fresh fish products
    • Fermented foods
    • Spicy foods
    • Fried foods (especially deep fried)

How to Prepare Cabbage Juice

You can use any regular food blender or processor to blend the washed cabbage. Once blended, simply use a cheese-cloothe to strain out the juice. Or simply use a juicer 🙂 A typical head of cabbage typically makes about 1L of juice.

Finding a Quality Cod Liver Oil

From everything I’ve looked at, the only two cod liver oils I would recommened are from Nordic Naturals and Carlson. My recommendation is to get the bottle instead of the capsules.

Why Cod Liver Oil as Opposed to Regular Fish Oil

Cod liver oil contains Vitamin A and Vitamin D in their most natural and highly absorbable forms. Vitamin A can help regulate sebum secrtion and Vitamin D can improve peptide production.

How Often to Eat Curificuor Vegetables?

As often as you can. Learn to love these vegetables. They are your new best friend. Plus the possibilities for their consumption is endless.

Other Dietary Items to Consider

These are just a few things that can improve progress.

  • Learn to love fish eggs (three choices at most sushi restaurants are: Ikura, Masago, and Tabiko)
  • You can also add a small amount of fresh cellery juice to your routine
  • Learn to love apples (however, they shouldn’t be consumed near food intake)
  • Increase consumption of Yams and Sweet Potatoes
  • Try to avoid drastic blood sugar spikes (overeating or too much sugar/fruits)

Another one of the key concepts is to start focusing on things that will improve your body. This creates a positive attitude towards health. Focusing on the avoidance of things can create a negative mindset.

Finding a Topical Routine That Works

In addition to all the items mentioned above it is essential you find a wash and moisturiser that will work for your skin. The ones that worked best for me where the Cetaphil Restoraderm products. However, some people experienced irritation from these. A list of additional products will be added here as soon as possible.

General tips for your skin care routine:

  • Try to minimze washing
  • Be as gentle as possible
  • Use as little product as possible
  • Allow the skin to air dry
  • Always use a clean q-tip to remove and flakes (tweasers can be used if falking is still major)

Sweat without a propoer amount of antimicrobial peptides will cause SD to act up. This affect will be reduced once the composition improves. Washing shortly after sweating can be beneficial during the initial stages.

Changing Your Mindset

The last aspect of breaking out of the cycle is to change the way you think about SD. A poor mental approach will drastically impact progress. Learn to love and trust your own body. For example laughing has been medically documented to improve antimicrobial peptide production! So, get out there and try to enjoy life as much as possible.

Thank You To Everyone That Has Made This Possible

This guide would not have been possible without the support of my readers. Your comments and emails have provided me with enough determination to really dig deep. Look foward to any comments (good, bad, skeptical). Really hope that this guide may benefit some of you.

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