Major Updates Ahead

Hi Everyone,

Some major updates ahead.

Past few months have been all about research. Hundreds of research articles later I believe I’m finally making some progress.

My New Routine and BIOM8 Announcment

Unfortunately the Restoraderm had started to loose some effectiveness for me. So, I started experimenting again. What came out of these experiments, is my very own ointment. Its as basic as possible and only contains two ingredients (both of which are edible).

Interested in Giving it a Try?

Even though it’s been extremely effective for me, it still needs testing by the community in order to really know how well it works for the majority. If you would like to try it out, it’s available at and initial testers can use the coupon code skindrone for $10 off (basically you just need to cover shipping). The specifics of how I use it will be published on SkinDrone soon and a link will be sent out.

Seborrheic Dermatitis The Missing Manual – Book Update

The book is slowly being written as well, it aims to not only describe what seborrheic dermatitis is, but also helping people understand how their bodies work. And understanding out bodies, can help us discover our own issues and allow us to better deal with the onslaught of dis-information found online. So far 3 chapters for the book have been written, however they still need major editing. You can access the drafts of these chapters through Google Drive:

Digestion Chapter (
Omega Chapter (
Skin Chapter (

Sorry for the formatting, it’s a called MarkDown and not well suited for Google Docs.

All The Best Everyone!

Share Your Thoughts

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  1. jess
    jess -

    Hi do you have an updated code for the discount? This one isn’t working now.

  2. michael mobley
    michael mobley -

    Very interesting

    SHARON -

    great article & info! Plan to try Biom8

  4. Chandra Wilkerson
    Chandra Wilkerson -

    I am interested in trying the product for SD. Is there a coupon?


  5. Joakim
    Joakim -

    Hi Michael,

    I just read through the Introduction and The SkinDrone Approach. Great work, man, truly. I’ve mostly commented on spelling and wording in the files, as you can tell. I do have some other suggestions, though:

    The SkinDrone Approach could benefit from some compression, in my opinion. I know you want to cover everything extensively and accurately, but — as you mention — to much information can also choke the reader. There is some repetition towards the end, which might be worth spending the time restructuring into a more compact, simple explanation. For instance, the fact that stress can contribute to seborrhoic dermatitis is — for a lack of a better word — stressed a few times. I get the feeling, that it’s an important point to you, but I’d suggest emphasizing that only once when it is discussed and once in the summary, but without bringing it up every time it gets interconnected to food choices etc., or at least only mentioning it briefly or referring to the section, where it is discussed, where applicable.

    I’d also suggest working on a more clear distinction between facts and your own speculations. I like that you introduce the chapter saying that one should keep in mind that not everything in this chapter will be based on medical facts, but mixing them together completely undermines your great research. Instead, clearly state that the following is speculations (as you do some places) or consider an icon or font change that sort of breaks the fourth wall, shower this is your commentary, rather than solid facts.

    Other than that, I really like that you comment and add your own speculations. A work this multi-faceted and comprehensive by one person cannot fathom everything detailed, or scientifically prove everything. So your suggestions and experience is vital for people to get an easy-to-comprehend guide to start with. Personally, I think that your facts would gain reliability being discerned as solid research, while giving yourself space to hypothesize and help with the personal suggestions that are clearly noted, so they are not misunderstood as proclaimed truths. This is also one of the points you raise in regards to blog- and forum truths that only make matters worse.

    Hopefully you appreciate the comments 🙂 And I hope to find time for the remaining chapters soon.

    All the best,

    • Michael
      Michael -

      Hi Joakim,

      Feel the same way regarding compression. The goals evolved as I was compiling research and the similarities/repetitions of the steps towards each goal started to become apparent only after.
      Will likely need to simply integrate the goals into the actions instead. As each action goes towards multiple goals. What do you think?

      Regarding separation of the research. This has been one of the most difficult things during the writing. Some of the references used repeat throughout the book and much of the information discussed in this chapter is referenced in previous ones. It also would be quite annoying for the reader to have a reference at the end of each chapter. Originally, I was intending to have this whole chapter kind of a free-form combination of research and speculation, with previous chapters being solely dedicated to summarizing research. However, as I wrote the references started to re-appear again. 🙂 Will have to think about what to do here.

      Definitely appreciate the comments. Extremely helpful to have a second opinion on the writing.
      It’s been a difficult write so far as I really wanted to provide a comprehensive summary of SD based on research. Even now there are just so many things I read during my research compilation that I wanted to include, but can’t remember which article it was from (currently have a library of about 700 papers).

      Thanks again for help with the proofing.
      Still planning to send some Biom8 over to you, just waiting for more inventory to arrive.

      Take care and all the best. 🙂

      • Joakim
        Joakim -

        Keep in mind that this was the first chapter I read except for the introduction! 🙂 I read “Understading your Skin” yesterday and I found it much better in terms of separating facts and speculations. And again, you do mention the more free-form take on this chapter in the beginning, so you’re sorta home safe regarding the integrity of your work, I’d say. I still think that a more clear distinction would help both you and the reader in compiling and understanding a shorter, more simple text.

        I’d suggest keeping the research in the previous chapters and just reminding the reader, what was discussed. “We introduced the microbiome in chapter…, which is important to remember when constructing your daily routine”, “As we discussed in the immunology section…, suggesting that the Malassezia itself is not the only problem we want to treat when looking for a ‘cure'” or stuff life that. Keep this chapter focused on your conclusions, while referring to the individual sections, so the interested reader can go back and look into it, while someone looking for answers can find them in a shorter version.
        I know it’s tough to limit yourself after having compiled such a staggering amount of information, but I do believe that it will help yourself and your readers.

        Regarding sources and citations, I’m not really sure what to think. Personally, I like having them at the point where they’re relevant — so in-text, so to speak. But maybe that is just my scientific background speaking. I don’t think it is uncommon at all to just throw a list of publications and citations in the back of a chapter, without any direct link between individual statements and sources. Maybe you’re sort of somewhere in between…? So a list of references at the end of each chapter but with footnotes, wherever you feel needs a more solid citation? I dunno, now I’m just throwing ideas out there. I’m glad I’m not the one, who has to decide in the end ^_^

        And you know, the first edition doesn’t have to be the last one 🙂 You’re almost have a finished product, and it would be interesting to see what people thing about it once you release it. So get it to a point where you’re content with your work and then let it go. Then do the second edition once you have some feedback from more people, or at some point where the whole thing has settled a little bit in your mind. It’s good to get away from the writing from time to time 🙂

        I… I think that’s all for now. I might look at another chapter tonight! I’ll keep you posted.

        Keep up the good work!

        • Michael
          Michael -

          Yeah, definitely agree. Planning to take some time (hopefully this week) to edit the last chapter and make it more straightforward.

          Same, I hate the APA style of citations thought (one used at university here in Canada). Don’t find it very useful or straightforward. Personally, I think the style that numbers each citation and includes it in the footnotes is most straightforward for readers in general. Having citations in footnotes (in addition to a reference section at the end of each chapter) may create to much of a mess throughout the book, but in this way there is no need to always search through the references. This is what I’m leaning towards. So I think we are thinking along the same lines. 🙂 Personally I don’t care much for what the “right way” of the medical community is, all I want to do is make it easy for the reader, while keeping it professional.

          And you are spot on with the first, second, third edition thing. This was the plan. 🙂
          The work so far (after modification of the last chapter) is going to be the first edition and only available in digital format. Then other chapters (antioxidant and supplements chapter are planned so far) and various bones content will be added in the future.
          Having it in digital format in the beginning will allow lot’s of flexibility in this regard. Plus, I think it could generate some valuable discussion (hope to really integrate it into the website).

          Thanks again for reading through. Your comments have been excellent and it really helps that you have read other books on the subject. 🙂

          All the best my distant friend. 🙂

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