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5 People Who Cured Seborrheic Dermatitis with Diet Alone

After my long battle with seborrheic dermatitis, it was becoming apparent that the most prominent and long-term results have sometimes been obtained with diet alone. In this post, I will take a deeper look into the stories of 5 people who cured seborrheic dermatitis with diet alone.

For each individual, I will try to provide a quick summary of their approach, a time frame for their success and a general analysis of the person’s online profile/presence (to try to verify this person is legitimate).

Hopefully, this article provides enough insight into how diet can cure seborrheic dermatitis and the best approach to take.

Trying to solve seborrheic dermatitis with diet alone has proven to be quite tricky for the majority of people. In order to enjoy everyday life, it may be beneficial to treat seborrheic dermatitis at the skin level with a natural topical solution.

Update March 2016: A recent approach that worked for me has been gaining popularity within the SkinDrone community. Details of this approach can be found: My Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Regimen 2.0. This approach has worked well for me since the summer of 2015 and there is lot’s of relevant discussion in the comments section as well.

TaylorMade – CureZone

His story starts with an overview of when he got seborrheic dermatitis. Reflecting on the past he associates the bulk of the problem to poor nutrition and constant dehydration, which lead to digestion problems.

Over time, he documented that his face started with general redness and things spiraled down from that point one. Typical seborrheic dermatitis flakiness followed.

Like many other seborrheic dermatitis stories, his initial attempt to solve the problem was a visit to the dermatologist. Unfortunately for TaylorMade, he learns that this condition can affect him for the rest of his life and is potentially incurable.

Undeterred by the dermatologist’s pessimistic outlook, he sets out on a quest for knowledge. First, he begins with the most commonly known methods of treatment. This includes steroid creams and anti-fungal lotions. Unimpressed by the results he turns his attention to the internet. Researching all the literature he could find he hopes to find the key to curing his seborrheic dermatitis.

His research points him in the direction of dietary modifications and restrictions. He tries cutting out simple carbohydrates, white sugars, dairy, wheat and all other foods that are commonly connected to seborrheic dermatitis.

Over time he develops a diet plan that works for him and his skin problems begin to reverse. Instead of focusing on what not to eat he smartly shifts his focus on foods that he, in fact,should eat. I believe this was an integral part of his success.

Dietary Outline

His diet appears to be quite a healthy and is outlined here:

  • Carbohydrates – only complex carbohydrates are enjoyed, simple carbohydrates are fully restricted or cut out. Specific foods mentioned include:
    • Brown rice
    • Buckwheat
    • Quinoa
  • Veggies – all vegetables are consumed freely, except for:
    • Eggplant
    • Bell pepper
  • Protein – all protein sources are consumed freely, except for:
    • Eggs
  • Fruits – strong focus on tart and citrusy fruits. Emphasis is made on fruit consumption only on an empty stomach. Which I also strongly believe is another key to solving seborrheic dermatitis and digestion problems.
  • Nuts – generally only cashews and almonds are consumed.
    • Peanuts are indicated as very bad.
  • Liquids – emphasis strictly on water. Consume lots and frequently. Try not to consume a lot with meals as it will dilute digestive juices.
  • Desserts – desserts are limited to home-made ice cream. Not really sure, but my guess is only quality milk ingredients are used and perhaps raw cane sugar as a sweetener.

Apart from diet, he indicates that he only washes his face once a day at night and applies a moisturizer while he sleeps. Not sure if this essential to his regimen, but it is included in the post. However, I honestly believe this is just a habit and that such a restrictive diet as outlined above should be more than enough on its own.

Main Takeaways

Eat as clean as possible, stick to complex carbohydrates (remove simple cabs), eat protein freely, restrict legumes (peanuts fall into this category), find unique/specific foods that trigger your seborrheic dermatitis (here it was eggplants, bell peppers, and eggs).

The strongest point for me personally was the focus on what you can, instead of focusing on what you can’t. This simple yet extremely effective suggestion has been a godsend for solving my own seborrheic dermatitis.

Tedmaster5 – Curezone

Same introduction as the previously analyzed poster. Years of abusing the body and digestive system seem to show up as seborrheic dermatitis. Other aspects of bodily abuse are also talked about here, such as a stressful work environment and poor skin care regimen.

The biggest difference from the previous one was that he had a verified Candida infection. This led him directly to the Candida diet/cleanse.

After a strict four-month program the skin appeared to return to normal and the diet was once again loosened. In this individual’s testimony, there appeared to be very strong and long-lasting results.

Other points of interest are that he underwent two colonics and used infrared saunas to speed up toxin removal.

Dietary Outline

The poster claims to have followed a strict candida diet. This is basically a diet which removes all foods that promote fungal growth within the body.

The list and diet plan are quite extensive and I truly think it would be better to just provide a link to more information on this diet plan, so here it is:

Candida Diet – Diet PDF

Key Takeaways

The biggest lesson to be learned here is that if you think there something is wrong with your body, go get it checked out. If you think you have a Candida infection, go and get tested for a Candida infection. Being able to verify your problem will take all the guesswork out of curing your seborrheic dermatitis.

I believe that the diet he used worked so well for him, is specifically because he had Candida. If you don’t have Candida but have seborrheic dermatitis this diet might not be for you. My biggest concern is how restrictive it is. If improperly utilized this diet has the potential to be unhealthy, so just be smart about it.

Rob Stuart – YouTube

This post is a little different since it’s in the form of an easy to watch YouTube video. The root of the video is, however, extremely similar to the previous two mentioned here. Two other points that are touched upon are smoking and exercise.

Removing smoking from your life is quite an obvious one as it helps reduce the toxin load in the system. Your immune system will benefit and this might really be all you need to rid yourself of seborrheic dermatitis.

Please note that the actual smoke which touches your skin while smoking has been shown to be beneficial for certain dermatitis issues. For example, tobacco smoke has been indicated to have similar effects to coal tar (which is used to topically treat seborrheic dermatitis). So there might be somewhat of a trade-off here.

Also, a lot of attention was devoted to exercise and movement. You might not think this has much to do with diet at first, but the truth is it does. Movement is the key to diet and some cultures even include it in their food pyramid (Greece). Exercise, movement and fresh air are essential to a solid digestive system. No matter how clean the diet, without enough movement in your day you are likely to experience little to no results.

The rest of the post is more of the same. Eat clean, cut sugars, and cleanse out the previously accumulated toxins.

Dietary Outline

His dietary guidelines did not seem as restrictive. More focus was laid more upon what you should be doing instead of what not to be doing. Here are the main points:

  • Focus on clean and whole carbohydrates like rice and potatoes
  • Start juicing
  • Go heavy on the fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Only cook with coconut oil and ghee – staying away from vegetable fats
  • Cut all processed food from your diet – no coffee, flour
  • Cut vegetable oils and red meats

Key Takeaways

Clean up your diet and stick to it. If you turn your temporarily dietary changes into permanent ones, the chances of long-term success sky-rocket.

If you smoke anything (cigarettes, cigars, marijuana, etc.) then think about quitting. You will feel the benefits not only in your seborrheic dermatitis, but your quality of life should also improve.

Make sure you have enough exercise in your day. You must keep your body moving throughout each day. If you work in a sedentary job, look for ways you can take breaks and get moving while you work. One of the worst things that you can do for your digestion, your seborrheic dermatitis, and your body, is to regularly stay sedentary for extended periods of time. For suggestions on how to keep moving throughout your day read the summary at the bottom.

MilkAllergy – Curezone

The username almost fully sums up this person’s approach. After years of steroid creams and ant-fungal shampoos, he decided to look for a permanent solution. Noticing a link between seborrheic dermatitis flare-ups and the foods he started looking for answers.

Due to other symptoms such as bloating he was quick to pinpoint his main trigger food, which turned out to be dairy. After removing all dairy from his diet he was able to not only get rid of bloating, but seborrheic dermatitis started to disappear.

The biggest insights that this poster had where that almost all healthcare practitioners have their flaws. Especially when it comes to a condition as mysterious as seborrheic dermatitis.

Most modern medical doctors and GPs will likely tell you that the condition is incurable, not linked to diet, and the only way to get things under control is to kill the fungus that resides on your skin.

Then there are the naturopaths and alternative health care practitioners. These guys believe in the exact opposite and that only through diet, herbal supplements, exotic hot yoga sessions and drastic lifestyle changes will you be able to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis.

The real truth lies somewhere in the middle. An educated person needs to look at all the facts, including his own experience and unique circumstances. Only once you take the whole picture into account will you be able to effectively cure your seborrheic dermatitis.

The poster then is smart enough to get some allergy testing done, which returns positive and provides him with the exact food items that trigger his seborrheic dermatitis.

Once he cuts these foods from his diet things drastically improved and at the time his post was written he indicates being almost completely seborrheic dermatitis free for 4 straight months.

Dietary Outline

Since the original poster was able to correctly identify the exact foods which he was allergic to, his diet plan was quite easy to formulate. For him it was as simple as cutting or drastically reducing the following foods from his diet:

  • Cows milk
  • Bakers yeast
  • Brewers yeast
  • Cola bean
  • Soyan bean
  • Wheat
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Rice

As his allergies were only slight for the wheat, almonds, cashews, and rice he was able to occasional include these in his diet.

Key Takeaways

The biggest revelation that was made here is that the easiest way to understand what is wrong with your digestive system is to get tested. Honestly why keep yourself guessing and unsure of the true problem. If you have the possibility make all the necessary appointments and find the root cause.

Another point that must also once again be brought to attention. Everyone is different. What works for one person, may not work for the next. To find a cure for your seborrheic dermatitis, you must analyze yourself.

WildChild33 – Curezone

First of all please note that the author of this post has no evidence nor suggestions that his dietary modifications worked for him. However, since there are only two posts from them, there is potential that this did work.

Once again we see reference to the link between seborrheic dermatitis and Candida. The tone of the post is much more assuring then it is reflective.

Basically, the idea behind it is Candida causes nutritional deficiencies, which in turn cause seborrheic dermatitis and broken skin. The nutritional deficiencies are specifically pinned to:

  • B-vitamins,
  • Zinc
  • Essential fatty acids (omega 3s and 6s).

The author goes on to state that these nutrients (including the essential fatty acids) are synthesized by the good flora in our digestive tract (which is quite incorrect).

Then the author draws a connection from Candida to Leaky Gut and then over to Seborrheic Dermatitis. Which appears to be quite a reasonable and contested idea.

My personal idea behind seborrheic dermatitis falls closely with this authors reasoning also. However, the whole leaky gut connection is a very complex topic and I believe the author fails to articulate the principle behind it correctly. I plan on writing an article about it in the near future, but it is not ready yet.

Dietary Outline

The author outlines the removal of gluten, sugar, lactose and other digestion slowing foods while aiming for a diet rich in fermented foods. This is claimed to act as a two-front approach, with the gluten and sugar-free diet restricting nutrients for the bad microbes, while the fermented foods nourish the system and replace the good microbes. This diet also promotes frequent bowel movements and an extremely strong digestive process.

Key Takeaways

In my opinion, this approach is too narrow and does not take into consideration everyone’s unique situation. The only reason I included it here, is because the original post is quite thorough and I expect many seborrheic dermatitis suffers to come across it believing it is the key.

Basically, you must cut out all gluten and simple sugars and eat as many fermented foods as possible. Trying to follow this diet in modern day life is quite difficult and is likely to cause you to frequent stress out about your eating habits.

My Technique to Stay Moving

My job requires me to be in front of a computer for most of the day. Initially, I would spend 2-4 hours in one position hammering away at my work. This was a huge mistake and I believe played a massive role in the development of my seborrheic dermatitis.

To overcome this barrier and to stay moving I started to implement the Pomodoro technique while at work. This technique focuses on having set intervals of work and rest. More specifically you work for 25 minutes, rest for 5 minutes and repeat 4-5 times until a larger break.

During these 5 minutes of rest, I stretch, do push-ups, crunches, sit-ups and whatever else I can to get the blood flowing. This helps to improve overall circulation and stimulates the digestive system. If I am in a place where I can’t get too physically active, I hit the elevator and walk back up to the floor I’m working on, or perhaps visit the washroom and do some squats. It doesn’t really matter as long as you get moving!

You can get more details of the Pomodoro technique here.

Take the Time to Learn About Seborrheic Dermatitis

Really taking the time to really learn about seborrheic dermatitis can be a very important step to recovery. It is difficult to understand why more doctors and dermatologists do not educate their patients. As sufferers, we should be entitled to understand what is going on with our skin.

I’ve spent the past few years collecting and studying various research papers, medical textbooks, and patents. All of the information I’ve learned is available in an easy to ready online guide.

You can find the guide here:

Seborrheic Dermatitis – The Owner’s Manual

The content is in a book format and is intended for reading from beginning to end. However, this online format allows you to jump around from section to section with ease.

Focus on Balancing Food Intake and Not A Specific Diet

Many of us often search for a single approach that will resolve our skin issues once and for all. A specific diet or food that will cure seborrheic dermatitis and leave our skin symptom free.

After going down this route and experimented with a variety of diets, I believe this may be a flawed approach. By trying to over-focusing on specific elements, we miss out on the big picture. Instead, it may make sense to shift focus on the common features of the various diets that have been reported to be helpful for seborrheic dermatitis.

Upon review, these features are

  • Reduced caloric intake
  • Reduced intake of simple carbohydrates (sugars)
  • Change in the balance of lipids consumed
  • Increased intake of dietary fiber
  • Increased intake of antioxidants

And I believe that these factors are actually what makes many of these dietary approaches beneficial for seborrheic dermatitis.

Clues from Psoriasis
A review paper examining the impact of various diets on Psoriasis concluded that many of the diets that have shown benefit for Psoriasis share many of the same traits outlined above [].

In essence, by focusing on these factors and continuing to eat a balanced diet may be just as effective as specific restrictive diet plans. And you can find a summary of my latest findings on this topic in the SkinSupport program; a program dedicated to solving seborrheic dermatitis.


As you can see all of these people (excluding the last one) have appeared to have fully cured their seborrheic dermatitis through diet alone (with small lifestyle changes). This demonstrates that it is possible. The only thing that is required is your total commitment and a good understanding of what’s wrong with your body.

Nonetheless, I believe that combining both an internal and an effective topical treatment is the best way to go. And as noted earlier, my topical approach can be found here.

Some of the biggest points to take away from all of this are:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis appears to be closely related to the state of your digestive system
  2. Clean and whole foods are essential to a balanced digestive system
  3. Fermented foods such as kefir and sauerkraut are also extremely important for good digestion
  4. Proper hydration is even more important than food
  5. Movement and exercise are as equally important as hydration
  6. Everyone is different and unique, you need to find what works for you
  7. Not everyone’s seborrheic dermatitis is strictly associated with Candida
  8. Focusing on what you should eat instead of what you shouldn’t, can make things easier long-term

There are some other essential aspects that none of these posters really touched upon. Such as cortisol and its effect on digestion and inflammation. Or how your body actually has two different immune mechanisms and how an imbalance between the two can cause conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis. These topics are covered in more detail here.

If you are one of those lucky enough to have cured seborrheic dermatitis with diet alone please feel free to jump in the conventions using the comment form below. Anyone unlucky enough to be affected by seborrheic dermatitis will likely benefit from your knowledge.

89% of readers found this article helpful


  1. Goldenberg Gary "Optimizing treatment approaches in seborrheic dermatitis." The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 6.2 (2013): 44-9. PubMed
  2. A P Adams, E M Santschi, M A Mellencamp "Antibacterial properties of a silver chloride-coated nylon wound dressing." Veterinary surgery : VS 28.4 (1999): 219-25. PubMed
Last Updated:
in Seborrheic Dermatitis   66

About Michael Anders

After being affected by seborrheic dermatitis, I have made it my goal to gather and organize all the information that has helped me in my journey.

Notable Community Replies

  1. Hi,
    I have suffered from SD for nearly 30 years, I have tried this diet for some time now and eat clean, exercise regularly, do basically everything that is talked about here but to no avail…

    Reply Permalink
  2. Hi Mark,
    Sorry to hear that you’ve had it for such a long time. I know first hand the type of impact in can have on quality of life (especially social).
    Since you have had it for so long it would be amazing to get some insight about the condition from you. How it evolved, how it came to be and what treatments really stood out along the way.

    Currently I have been able to control my seborrheic dermatitis about 98% with an extremely simple strategy, which I’ve outlined here. However, I have only suffered for about 2-3 years prior to this. So it would really be interesting to hear how yours progress over such a long period of time.

    For me I found that trying to control it with diet was very mysterious. It really seemed that at times it was mind over matter and that by thinking bad things about a certain type a food I would simply raise cortisol levels and the seborrheic dermatitis would strike. One thing I did notice is that water fasting would make the seborrheic dermatitis disappear extremely quickly. After a day or two of water fasting seborrheic dermatitis would be gone. However, obviously I can’t live on just water. Right now I’m not doing any dietary restrictions/modifications (except I don’t consume dairy, but this was the case before I even got seborrheic dermatitis).

    Really hope some of the information on this website can help you. Look forward to hearing back from you. All the best!

    Reply Permalink
  3. Hi Michael,

    Water fasting is a curious one, I wouldn’t last 2 hours on water, I drink a lot of it but love my food, I am currently on a Gluten Free diet and consuming water only, no alcohol for a while now, my face seems to be clearing up but I am also using Cortizone cream twice a day so putting it down to that…it comes and goes all the time, the climate here in Sydney probably doesn’t help but Im from Ireland and I had it bad there too.
    I cant quite tell when it first flared up but I did suffer with acne in my teenage years…skin problems have been the bane of my existence since I was a teen, im now 45.
    I cant say what works best for me as I try so many different shampoos and creams etc. I definitely believe diet has something to do with it and really hope eating clean and staying off the booze will help…but in saying that ive eaten badly and been on the grog in the past and it never flared up and then for no reason out it comes…weird…Ill keep updated on my current diet and situation…


    Reply Permalink
  4. Michael,

    Just a question on the L’Glutamine, why did you stop taking that?


    Reply Permalink
  5. Hi Mark,
    Yeah water fasting was quite difficult. Was not really a sustainable way for me to control my seborrheic dermatitis :). However, it did demonstrate for me that it was connected to food/digestion.

    The whole gluten free thing kept appearing when I was researching on ways to fight my problem. When going gluten free I also saw some improvements, but they were somewhat inconsistent and it wasn’t fully gone. Looking back I really think it’s more of a psychological thing. If in your mind you believe that going gluten free helps you are more calm about your skin in general. This calmness of the mind helps to keep anxiety and cortisol spikes down, which reduces inflammation.
    Right now I’m back on a regular healthy diet. Whole grains, fish and vegetables make up a large portion of it and I feel great.

    One thing that gluten does do, is slow digestion. I believe this why many people associate many issues with it. As digestion slows down other digestive issues become more prominent. So for example if you have some sort of damage or infection somewhere along the digestive tract it will likely start acting up as the system is slowed down. Perhaps smaller meal sizes and staying well hydrated can help with this (for me this helped greatly).

    In general I found that seborrheic dermatitis is extremely strange. It seemed to come and go as it pleased. Additionally many treatments seemed to have great initial results for a week or two. After this initial phase most treatments ceased to stop working so well.

    Hope you find something sustainable that works for you!

    Reply Permalink
  6. Hello Again

    I’m not really a fan of supplements in general. Additionally I didn’t want to effect my own internal glutamine production by over providing the body. I did go through about ~900g of the stuff though. Mixing a teaspoon of it with a glass of water first thing in the morning for roughly 5-6 months straight.
    Currently upon waking I chug back a bunch of water and wait 30-60min before eating my first meal. Not sure if this helps (or does anything), but it seems to let the digestive system wake up.

    PS. There’s a bunch of people (here, here a few posts down, and a Google search should bring up more) who say zinc, msm, and glutamine have been effective for the as well. I’ve got both other supplements as well, but barely them since I couldn’t find too much medical stuff supporting their effectiveness.

    Reply Permalink
  7. Hi

    Very informative texts. My husband has Seborrheic Dermatitis and he’s been on a ketogenic diet för a couple of years now, his symptoms doesn’t seem so bad, Head & Shoulders dandruff shampoo keeps it at bay. And I think he’d rather exercise than give upp eggs, cream or butter. But he now has many different suggestions to consider if merely exercise won’t do the trick.

    And I just wanted to share my knowledge regarding fasting. I am also on a ketogenic diet, and I have no problem fasting for 24 hours, drinking only water and eating som salt. One recommendation is to look into increasing the intake of saturated fats.

    Thank you for sharing

    Reply Permalink
  8. Hi Jeannette,
    Thanks for the info. Does your husband mainly get it in the scalp or the face as well? And what made you try out the ketogenic diet yourself?

    For me the Ketogenic diet wasn’t really an optimal choice. At least that’s the way I felt. Definitely believe it has its benefits, but its quite a commitment.

    Also I think due to the way Head and Shoulders work, it makes you dependent on its regular usage. So I decided to get away from it even though it worked well for the scalp. What helped was actually going against popular belief. Instead I opted for high moisturizing shampoo. There was an adjustment period with this, but in the end it looks like its paid off as my scalp seems to have normalized. Haven’t touched Head and Shoulders for over 8 months.

    My knowledge on saturated fats has also expanded greatly during my research. My belief is inline with yours. Before I was trying to avoid them because of all the incorrect info you typically hear. Now I enjoy my oats, butter, and toast in the mornings

    Thanks again for reaching how. All the best.

    Reply Permalink
  9. miras says:

    Hi Guys ,

    I only signup to this forum to share my experiences hoping it will help others.
    I had seborrheic dermatitis for over 24 years. Dry, itchy, inflamed skin; scalp, chest, nose, eybrows etc.
    I have tried all sorts over the years; shampoos, creams, moisturizers, finishing with steroids which was the only thing that worked for me (temporarily) .
    Few months ago my doctor advised I should take small aspirin (100mg) daily for all sorts of benefits ranging from hart, circulation, anti stroke, and finally, as we all read in recent publications anti cancerous properties etc. (I am a 42 year old male).
    Well, guess what, all symptoms disappeared in within first 2 months.
    It has been 18 months now and not a sign of any dry or itchy skin anywhere on my body!
    All those years of discomfort, all gone.
    I hope it will work for you too. Good luck

    Reply Permalink
  10. Hi Miras,

    Thank you for providing your experience. That is actually the first time I’ve heard of that approach. Seems extremely straightforward and simple. Wonder how the aspirin works though…

    Have you been taking it daily for 18 months now? Are there any health implications of doing this?

    Thanks again and look forward to any other details you may have.

    Reply Permalink
  11. Hi Miras

    Yes seems a little too good to be true, a simple pill to banish this, I tried it but with a antihistamine as well but didn’t work, took them for a week or so, more feed back would be good


    Reply Permalink
  12. Hi,

    basically i’m 17 now and ive suffered from seb derm at 13 or 14 years oid, i remember i was eating alot of yeast foods and using a ointmont cream on my face. it would literally go all from my face then 4 days later i will have a breakout… ive stopped eating yeast without cheating and now i dont have big breakouts but my face does sometimes bes red… ive tried honey, dead sea, everything but there is something triggering it to come back, ibe now got a rash on the right side of my beard which is an infection due to a hair follicule with bacteria etc… ive heard a cream called ‘emuvate’ or somwthing like that would get it rid of it any thoughts? i need helps asap

    Reply Permalink
  13. Hi Zakariyya,

    Honestly, it’s hard for me to recommend anything since I have no medical training. However, take a look at this post. It outlined my complete experience. The comments have quite a bit of feedback as well. Additionally, here is a post that just talks about the specifics of the final approach I used.

    As for yeast, it’s kind of yes and no for me. I thought there was a relation, but now I just think yeast heavy foods typically slow down digestion. So any type of gut issues are likely to be exaggerated as digestion is slowed. So, in essence I don’t really think it’s the yeast directly, but how it and the foods which typically contain it effect the overall digestion process. Currently I’m not watching out for it really.

    Hope that helps and let me know if you have any updates. best of luck!

    Hope that helps.

    Reply Permalink
  14. rob says:

    Ive had SD for the past 8 months now. I kept trying to figure out what it was, thinking it was this or that. Went to the docs to many times, got anti biotics used steriod creams etc. Finally stopped drinking protein powder and it got so much better. Latter i realized it was still appearing on my skin, cut all diary out and its almost gone.

    Reply Permalink
  15. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the update.
    Yeah, it’s crazy how small changes can have such drastic impacts on it.
    I’m actually slowly starting to bring dairy back now. However, I’m pacing just to make sure it doesn’t come back.

    Thanks again and best of luck!

    Reply Permalink
  16. I’ve had seborrehic dermatitis for 20 years. Nothing dietary works and I have become immune to all the shampoos. The only thing that gets rid of my dermatitis is either living in a tropical climate or doing bikram yoga. It seems like sweating is key.

    Reply Permalink
  17. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for checking in!

    Yeah sweating can benefit SD, this can be due to the fact that healthy sweat is rich in antimicrobial peptides. And these can in helping control the malassezia that is believed to be largely responsible for SD (source).

    However, in some individuals sweat may be missing these peptides and as a result sweating may actually make it worse for these people as the sebaceous glands open up.

    All the best.

    Reply Permalink
  18. I am a college student that got serborrheic dermititis and now it is haunting me. It has caused me numerous eat problems! Someone tell me the best way to treat it. I have it on my ears and the back of my head. Please help!!

    Reply Permalink
  19. wendy says:

    My SD would begin to itch after 24 hours without a shower and get worse the longer I waited to clean my hair. I already had a lot of skin sensitivity to chemicals so I was using “Free and Clear” shampoo and conditioner. Right now my best results come from soaking my hair for a few minutes in a week apple cider vinegar solution before shampooing and conditioning. Then taking out sugar and increasing my water intake gets me to an fairly normal existence.

    Reply Permalink
  20. wendy says:

    This would be tough in college where all the food is carb and sugars and it’s hard to eat veggies. I feel for you. Take out sugar if you can and carry a water bottle everywhere you go. Shower daily. Destress.

    Reply Permalink
  21. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing and yeah it can be somewhat tough in college with this condition. However, I personally have come to believe it is not so much sugar and carbs, but in the way which we can perceive their consumption.

    From everything that I have read I believe the issues is more related to improper digestion and metabolism of fats. More specifically omega-6 fatty acids. However, the explanation gets a bit tricky.

    Currently my diet is fairly unrestricted and I’ve been SD free for a while. Had one incident in the summer for a bit, but this lead to me make my own product. So perhaps it may have been a blessing in disguise. Either way I still think topical products can only get you so far.

    Distressing is definitely pivotal to success though.

    All the best.

    Reply Permalink
  22. tara says:

    I suffered from SD for 6 years on my scalp and the past two years, I was noticing it was spreading and getting worse. I would see a doctor every so often and he would prescribe me a topical gel that did nothing! This summer I made a decision to go vegan, not for my head, but for other reasons. Little did I know, it would heal my head forever. I cut out meat first, and noticed the itching was subsiding. A week later I cut out ALL dairy products from an animal. Within 5 days it started to heal, and in 2 weeks in was gone completely. I couldn’t believe it! I struggled with this for 6 years, would see a doctor, nothing worked. And once I stopped eating/drinking dairy, it was gone!

    Reply Permalink
  23. Nothing to do with diet,I tried the vegan diet and all it done was make it worse and give me serious health problems,the human body is designed to consume animal flesh,don’t be fooled by all the vegan hype

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  24. Hi Michael,
    Read your posts I will be looking at again. I suffer from seb. dermatitis . very hard
    I was on anti candida diet for months I stopped using steroids. I have hair loss though and I am trying to see what I can use topically. Oil is a vicious cycle. J

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  25. Hi Tara,

    Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you had such fantastic results from going vegan. However, this doesn’t seem like a universal solution. Every one is different and the unique environments of guts can be optimized for consumption very different diets/foods (genetics plays a big role as well). For some it may be a more vegan diet, while others it may be a more protein based diet.

    All the best and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
    Look forward to any updates.

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  26. can you share with me that you drink or anoint aspirin? How much it dose?
    thanks you so much

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  27. juan says:

    I’ve living with SB for 5 years already, and I’e tried all sorts of shampoos and treatements, still struggling with it, but I have no doubt that dairy really makes it unbearable, when ever i hava a significant amount of dairy I just cant handle it.

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  28. Biom8 greatest product I’ve ever used,I suffered for 30 years and now nothing,I’ve been using it since sept,I can’t say enough about it…

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  29. Hi Juan,

    Thanks for the input. How strong has the effect from diary appear to be for you?
    Without it, does the seborrheic dermatitis completely disappear?

    All the best.

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  30. Hi Mark,

    Happy to hear it’s still working well for you.
    All the best.

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  31. Hi I just want everyone to know that allllll of you yes all that have dermatitis, you all have leaky gut right now please just heal your gut, more info please check Dr axe how TO heal leaky gut. I want you all to cure yourself and have your skin back. It will take a good 3months of healing to see a good difference and also you will heal your allergies from food. PLEASE IF YOU SUFFER FROM SD THEN HEAL YOUR GUT. WE SHALL ALL CURE THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL

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  32. ross says:

    Hi i suffer from SD and recently began to change my diet but i think the thing that mainly causes my SD is the amount of oil my face produces it produces a huge amount and i know there is no real way to stop the oil produce even with diet so i am not sure what to so. Will the product that you have been using bio8 make my skin even oilyier? Thanks

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  33. elmo says:

    The main cause of seborrheic dermatitis is constipation, anemia and digestive problems. Blood and intestines cleaning , that is, a raw food diet with fruits and vegetables organic. Free pesticides and without transgenic ie without being genetically modified is necessary, you can eat kilos of fruit and vegetables, but if not organic no effect is poison anyway. Change in lifestyle as walking every day, thirty minutes of daily sun, do not be angry and to use toiletries that has chemical agents that seram absovidos the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by its wrong lifestyle over the years. Look documentaries like the ‘Monsanto’’ which shows that most of the world is contaminated food full of poisons, search on Dr.Sebi, Gerson therapy, Tina van der Maas, among others. And think about how we are manipulated and cheated every day!

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  34. elmo says:

    The main cause of seborrheic dermatitis is constipation, anemia and digestive problems. Blood and intestines cleaning , that is, a raw food diet with fruits and vegetables organic. Free pesticides and without transgenic ie without being genetically modified is necessary, you can eat kilos of fruit and vegetables, but if not organic no effect is poison anyway. Change in lifestyle as walking every day, thirty minutes of daily sun, do not be angry and to not use toiletries that has chemical agents that seram absovidos the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by its wrong lifestyle over the years. Look documentaries like the ‘Monsanto’’ which shows that most of the world is contaminated food full of poisons, search on Dr.Sebi, Gerson therapy, Tina van der Maas, among others. And think about how we are manipulated and cheated every day!

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  35. mike says:

    My brother and I both had seb derm from when we were both around 5-7 years old. We used to just think it was dandruff/dry skin until we were diagnosed in our early teens. It was very depressing to know I had a condition that could not be healed. My wealthy side of my family paid for my brother to go to one of the most expensive doctors you can get in Beverly Hills and the doctor did not prescribe him any medication. He was told to eliminate ALL sugars from his diet, this includes anything that turns into sugar (pasta which I eat ALL the time). My brother did as he was told and cured his seb derm with diet and exercise. For me however, I have much more trouble sticking to the no sugar diet. After reading this entire article, I truly do believe our condition has something to do with your digestive system. When I was a child, I was constipated ALL the time, and was always drinking prune juice to help with it. I also passed out 5 times in my earlier childhood due to dehydration. I am starting tomorrow on the candida diet(because it eliminates sugar) and going to be taking a regular probiotic and working on some time of detox. I will post my results.

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  36. I would recommend to check the lactose intolerance first. My experience: after fighting with the condition for most of my adolescent and adult life, in the beginning of this year I let a tissue specimen from my gut be checked (by means of endoscopic procedure) and it showed I have zero lactase level. After applying lactose-free diet I can confirm the symptoms softened (though did not disappear altogether).

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  37. Hi Zak,

    Thanks for your input.

    Personally, disagree with this. Though I do believe that gut issues can at times be the cause of seborrheic dermatitis, the condition seems to be auto immune related. Stress, genetics, infection, overall immunity, and various other factors can play a significant role. As a result pin-pointing a universal cause for everyone seems to be impossible and impractical.

    Wish you all the best!

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  38. Hi Ross,

    Sorry for such a huge delay in getting back to you.
    Sebaceous gland activity (oil production) does appear to be a significant contributor to seborrheic dermatitis progression.
    However, from my research it is the composition of this sebum (mainly oil) that is the underlying issue.

    The BIOM8 Skin Conditioning Oil is simply a blend of oils and Vitamin E. This may temporarily increase the amount of oil present on the skin.

    Though I typically hated using most moisturizers as they left my skin feeling greasy. The BIOM8 absorbs quickly and has been a pleasure to use, but this is my experience and the product was created by me. Perhaps your experience may differ.

    Hope that helps.
    Look forward to hearing how things turn out.
    All the best.

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  39. Hi Valerie,

    My apologize for the huge delay in response.
    Sorry to hear that you have had the misfortune of having to deal with seborrheic dermatitis.
    Here are a few of the most popular posts on SkinDrone (make sure to check out the comments as there is quite a bit of extra information):

    1. My Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Regimen 2.0
    2. Nystatin A Potential Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment
    3. Overview of Seborrheic Dermatitis Face Treatments

    Hope that helps.
    Best of luck and hope you can find something that works for you!

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  40. I am kind of confused, so. i should not eat eggs, bell peppers and remain glueton free? what can I eat besides sour crout and yogart?!!!

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  41. wow!!! what foods should I avoid!! this is like a miracle!!! I am sick of my skin

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  42. Let’s get something straight people, Seb derm has absolutely nothing to do with diet, I have proved this, everything in moderation.

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  43. max says:

    I found cutting all dairy out does definitely help but I will still get flare ups but less often. The flare ups can be controlled simply with salt water. It the only thing that works. It stops the itching and redness in minutes.

    I now use a small spray bottle and carry it with me in case my skin gets bad. Just the tiniest amount of dairy hidden in food will set it off.

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  44. dale says:

    You couldn’t be more incorrect. It is completely related to diet. Most disorders of the GI tract (which is the epicenter of our immune system), skin, etc. can be treated and usually fixed with a change in your eating habits. Your lack of knowledge of the connection between diet and health is obviously lacking.

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